I don¹t think we can specify partition to disk mapping now. All the
partition will resides in the same directory.
Here is a wild idea but I haven¹t tried this.
1. Create the topic and make sure all the log files are created.
2. Move each partition log directory to the disk that you want them to
3. Create a link in its original path pointing to the real file.

Theoretically it should work.

Jiangjie (Becket) Qin

On 3/7/15, 8:19 AM, "sunil kalva" <sambarc...@gmail.com> wrote:

>please be advice on this.
>On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 2:02 AM, sunil kalva <sambarc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Can i map a specific partition to a different disk in a broker. And what
>> is the general recommendations for disk to partition mapping for which
>> broker is leader. and also for replications that broker handles.
>> --
>> SunilKalva

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