Thank you Jay for your note.

So JMSAdaptor(or maybe, MQKafkaBridge?) prototype, it is then! Will run a
feature compatibility feasibility check.


On 3/6/15, 8:45 AM, "Jay Kreps" <> wrote:

>I think this is great. I assume the form this would take would be a
>that implements the JMS api that wraps the existing java producer and
>Our past experience has been that trying to maintain all this stuff
>centrally is too hard and tends to stifle rather than support innovation.
>So if you are interested in doing this I would recommend doing a small
>github project. We will definitely help promote it. Several people have
>asked for it so I suspect you would definitely get some usage. I would
>love to hear how well that adaption works in practice--i.e. what
>of JMS features are supportable by Kafka.
>On Thu, Mar 5, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Joshi, Rekha <>
>> Hi,
>> Kafka is a great alternative to JMS, providing high performance,
>> throughput as scalable, distributed pub sub/commit log service.
>> However there always exist traditional systems running on JMS.
>> Rather than rewriting, it would be great if we just had an inbuilt
>> JMSAdaptor/JMSProxy/JMSBridge by which client can speak JMS but hit
>> behind-the-scene.
>> Something like Chukwa's
>> o.a.h.chukwa.datacollection.adaptor.jms.JMSAdaptor, which receives msg
>> JMS queue and transforms to a Chukwa chunk?
>> I have come across folks talking of this need in past as well.Is it
>> considered and/or part of the roadmap?
>> Looking for inputs on correct way to approach this so to retain all good
>> features of Kafka while still not rewriting entire application.Possible?
>> Thanks
>> Rekha

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