Hi, On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 1:36 AM, James Cheng <jch...@tivo.com> wrote:
> Hi, > > I know that Netflix might be talking about "Kafka on AWS" at the March > meetup, but I wanted to bring up the topic anyway. > > I'm sure that some people are running Kafka in AWS. I'd say most, not some :) > Is anyone running Kafka within docker in production? How does that work? > Not us. When I was at DevOps Days in NYC last year, everyone was talking about Docker, but only about 2.5 people in the room actually really used it. For both of these, how do you persist data? If on AWS, do you use EBS? Do > you use ephemeral storage and then rely on replication? And if using > docker, do you persist data outside the docker container and on the host > machine? > We've used both EBD and local disks in AWS. We don't have Kafka replication, as far as I know. And related, how do you deal with broker failure? Do you simply replace it, > and repopulate a new broker via replication? Or do you bring back up the > broker with the persisted files? > We monitor all Kafka pieces - producers, consumer, and brokers with SPM. We have alerts and anomaly detection enabled for various Kafka metrics (yeah, consumer lag being one of them). Broker failures have been very rare (we've used 0.7.2, 0.8.1.x, and are now on 0.8.2). When they happened a restart was typically enough. I can recall one instance where segments recovery tool a long time (minutes, maybe more than an hour), but this was >6 months ago. > Trying to learn about what people are doing, beyond "on premises and > dedicated hardware". > In my world almost everyone I talk to is in AWS. Otis -- Monitoring * Alerting * Anomaly Detection * Centralized Log Management Solr & Elasticsearch Support * http://sematext.com/