Have you considered including order information in messages that are sent
to Kafka, and then restoring order in logic that is processing messages
consumed from Kafka?

Kind regards,
Stevo Slavic.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 12:15 AM, Josh Rader <jrader...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Kafka Experts,
> We have a use case around RDBMS replication where we are investigating
> Kafka.  In this case ordering is very important.  Our understanding is
> ordering is only preserved within a single partition.  This makes sense as
> a single thread will consume these messages, but our question is can we
> somehow parallelize this for better performance?   Is there maybe some
> partition key strategy trick to have your cake and eat it too in terms of
> keeping ordering, but also able to parallelize the processing?
> I am sorry if this has already been asked, but we tried to search through
> the archives and couldn’t find this response.
> Thanks,
> Josh

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