Are you using Kafka based offset commit or ZK based offset commit?

On 2/28/15, 6:16 AM, "Gene Robichaux" <> wrote:

>What is the best way to detect consumer lag?
>We are running each consumer as a separate group and I am running the
>ConsumerOffsetChecker to assess the partitions and the lag for each
>group/consumer. I run this every 5 minutes. In some cases I run this
>command up to 75 times on each 5 min polling cycle (once for each
>group/consuer). An example of the command is (bin/
> --group consumer-group1 --zkconnect
>The problem I am running into is CPU usage on the broker when these
>commands run. We have a dedicated broker that has no leader partitions,
>but the high CPU still concerns me.
>Is there a better way to detect consumer lag? Preferably one that is less
>Gene Robichaux
>Manager, Database Operations
>8300 Douglas Avenue I Suite 800 I Dallas, TX  75225

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