in the following code, I just create a new topic, send some messages onto
the new topic with console producer, then read it with console consumer.
but after the 3rd line, nothing is printed out.

export topic=ttnew2
  sudo -u kafka bin/  --zookeeper localhost:7181 --create
--topic $topic  --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
  echo 'asdfasdfsadffadsfasf' | sudo -u kafka bin/
--broker-list  localhost:9092 --topic  $topic
  sudo -u kafka bin/ --zookeeper localhost:7181
--topic $topic -group fffff

shouldn't I expect the consumer on the 3rd line to read out the messages?
in fact if I give it --from-beginning,  it works fine

this is kafka_2.9.2-


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