
Regarding the two crc computation calls, the first one is used to validate
the messages, and the second call is only used if we need to re-compress
the data. So logically they are not redundant operations. As Jay said, the
re-compression is acutally savable and once it is removed, we will not need
the second call any more.


You can find some more discussions regarding the compression /
de-compression here (


On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 10:46 AM, Jay Kreps <> wrote:

> Here's my summary of the state of the compression discussion:
>    1. We all agree that current compression performance isn't very good and
>    it would be nice to improve it.
>    2. This is not entirely due to actual (de)compression, in large part it
>    is inefficiencies in the current implementation. Snappy is like
>    300Mb/sec/core so should not be a bottleneck. We could probably hugely
>    improve performance without any fundamental changes. See:
>    3. There are really three separate things that get conflated:
>       1. De-compression on the server
>       2. Re-compression on the server
>       3. De-compression and re-compression in mirror maker
>    4. Getting rid of de-compression on the server is unlikely to happen
>    because de-compression is required to validate the data sent. In the
> very
>    early days of Kafka we did indeed just append whatever the client sent
> us
>    to the binary log without validation. Then we realized that any bug in
> any
>    of the clients in all the languages would potentially corrupt the log
> and
>    potentially thus bring down the whole cluster. You can imagine how we
>    realized this! This is why basically no system in the world appends
> client
>    data directly to it's binary on disk structures. Decompression can
>    potentially be highly optimized, though, by not fully instantiating
>    messages.
>    5. The current compression code re-compresses the data to assign it
>    sequential offsets. It would be possible to improve this by allowing
> some
>    kind of relative offset scheme where the individual messages would have
>    offsets like (-3,-2,-1, 0) and this would be interpreted relative to the
>    offset of the batch. This would let us avoid recompression for
> co-operating
>    clients.
>    6. This would likely require bumping the log version. Prior to doing
>    this we need to have better backwards compatibility support in place to
>    make this kind of upgrade easy to do.
>    7. Optimizing de-compression and re-compression in mm requires having
>    APIs that give you back uncompressed messages and let you send already
>    compressed batches. This might be possible but it would break a lot of
>    things like the proposed filters in mm. We would also need to do this
> in a
>    way that it wasn't too gross of an API.
> -Jay
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 2:16 AM, Jan Filipiak <>
> wrote:
> > I just want to bring up that idea of no server side de/recompression
> > again. Features like KAFKA-1499 <
> > jira/browse/KAFKA-1499> seem to steer the project into a different
> > direction and the fact that tickets like KAFKA-845 <
> >> are not getting much
> > attention gives the same impression. This is something my head keeps
> > spinning around almost 24/7 recently.
> >
> > The problem I see is that CPU's are not the cheapest part of a new server
> > and if you can spare a gigahertz or some cores by just making sure your
> > configs are the same across all producers I would always opt for the
> > operational overhead instead of the bigger servers. I think this will
> > usually decrease the tco's of kafka installations.
> >
> > I am currently not familiar enough with the codebase to judge if server
> > side decompression happens before acknowledge. If so, these would be some
> > additional milliseconds to respond faster if we could spare
> > de/recompression.
> >
> > Those are my thoughts about server side de/recompression. It would be
> > great if I could get some responses and thoughts back.
> >
> > Jan
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 07.11.2014 00:23, Jay Kreps wrote:
> >
> >> I suspect it is possible to save and reuse the CRCs though it might be a
> >> bit of an invasive change. I suspect the first usage is when we are
> >> checking the validity of the messages and the second is from when we
> >> rebuild the compressed message set (I'm assuming you guys are using
> >> compression because I think we optimize this out otherwise).
> Technically I
> >> think the CRCs stay the same.
> >>
> >> An alternative approach, though, would be working to remove the need for
> >> recompression entirely on the broker side by making the offsets in the
> >> compressed message relative to the base offset of the message set. This
> is
> >> a much more invasive change but potentially better as it would also
> remove
> >> the recompression done on the broker which is also CPU heavy.
> >>
> >> -Jay
> >>
> >> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Allen Wang <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>  Sure. Here is the link to the screen shot of jmc with the JTR file
> >>> loaded:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 2:12 PM, Neha Narkhede <
> >
> >>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>  Allen,
> >>>>
> >>>> Apache mailing lists don't allow attachments. Could you please link
> to a
> >>>> pastebin or something?
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks,
> >>>> Neha
> >>>>
> >>>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Allen Wang <
> >
> >>>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>  After digging more into the stack trace got from flight recorder
> (which
> >>>>>
> >>>> is
> >>>>
> >>>>> attached), it seems that Kafka ( can optimize the usage of
> >>>>>
> >>>> Crc32.
> >>>
> >>>> The stack trace shows that Crc32 is invoked twice from Log.append().
> >>>>>
> >>>> First
> >>>>
> >>>>> is from the line number 231:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> val appendInfo = analyzeAndValidateMessageSet(messages)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The second time is from line 252 in the same function:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> validMessages = validMessages.assignOffsets(offset, appendInfo.codec)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> If one of the Crc32 invocation can be eliminated, we are looking at
> >>>>>
> >>>> saving
> >>>>
> >>>>> at least 7% of CPU usage.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>> Allen
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Allen Wang <>
> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  Hi,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Using flight recorder, we have observed high CPU usage of CRC32
> >>>>>> (kafka.utils.Crc32.update()) on Kafka broker. It uses as much as 25%
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> of
> >>>
> >>>> CPU
> >>>>
> >>>>> on an instance. Tracking down stack trace, this method is invoked by
> >>>>>> ReplicaFetcherThread.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Is there any tuning we can do to reduce this?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Also on the topic of CPU utilization, we observed that overall CPU
> >>>>>> utilization is proportional to AllTopicsBytesInPerSec metric. Does
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> this
> >>>
> >>>> metric include incoming replication traffic?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>>> Allen
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >

-- Guozhang

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