Found the problem - it is a bug with Partitions of kafka client. Can you
guys confirm and patch in kafka clients?

for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) {
    int partition = Utils.abs(counter.getAndIncrement()) % numPartitions;
    if (partitions.get(partition).leader() != null) {
        return partitions.get(partition).partition();

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 2:35 PM, Xiaoyu Wang <> wrote:

> Update:
> I am using kafka.clients 0.8.2-beta.  Below are the test steps
>    1. setup local kafka clusters with 2 brokers, 0 and 1
>    2. create topic X with replication fact 1 and 4 partitions
>    3. verify that each broker has two partitions
>    4. shutdown broker 1
>    5. start a producer sending data to topic X using KafkaProducer with
>    required ack = 1
>    6. producer hangs and does not exit.
> Offline partitions were take care of when the partitions is null (code
> attached below). However, the timeout setting does not seem to work. Not
> sure what caused KafkaProducer to hang.
> // choose the next available node in a round-robin fashion
> for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) {
>     int partition = Utils.abs(counter.getAndIncrement()) % numPartitions;
>     if (partitions.get(partition).leader() != null)
>         return partition;
> }
> // no partitions are available, give a non-available partition
> return Utils.abs(counter.getAndIncrement()) % numPartitions;
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Xiaoyu Wang <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am experimenting sending data to kafka using KafkaProducer and found
>> that when a partition is completely offline, e.g. a topic with replication
>> factor = 1 and some broker is down, KafkaProducer seems to be hanging
>> forever. Not even exit with the timeout setting. Can you take a look?
>> I checked code and found that the partitioner create partition based on
>> the total partition number - including those offline partitions. Is it
>> possible that we change ProducerClient to ignore offline partitions?
>> Thanks,
>> -Xiaoyu

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