Dug into this a bit more, and it turns out that we lost one of our 9
brokers at the exact moment when this started happening. At the time that
we lost the broker, we had no under-replicated partitions. Since the broker
disappeared, we've had a fairly constant number of under replicated
partitions. This makes some sense, of course.

Still, the log message doesn't.

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Kyle Banker <kyleban...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a 9-node Kafka cluster, and all of the brokers just started
> spouting the following error:
> ERROR [Replica Manager on Broker 1]: Error when processing fetch request
> for partition [mytopic,57] offset 0 from follower with correlation id
> 58166. Possible cause: Request for offset 0 but we only have log segments
> in the range 39 to 39. (kafka.server.ReplicaManager)
> The "mytopic" topic has a replication factor of 3, and metrics are showing
> a large number of under replicated partitions.
> My assumption is that a log aged out but that the replicas weren't aware
> of it.
> In any case, this problem isn't fixing itself, and the volume of log
> messages of this type is enormous.
> What might have caused this? How does one resolve it?

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