Hello, I'm trying to understand an awkward issue we're having on our Kafka production. We currently have 8 Kafka servers named: kafka1, kafka2, kafka3 ...
Few weeks ago we migrated all topics present on kafka7 and then have shutdown it. The main issue is a performance issue on Kafka5. Topic migration are very slow. Today i tried to do a topic migration from kafka2 to kafka5. The awkward part is that we've kafka7 references like if it's on replication on this server : Here are my commands & comments: - Original state of the topic was : $ /usr/share/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper --describe --topic AdBidderZoneDealDailyKey Topic:AdBidderZoneDealDailyKey PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:2 Configs:retention.ms=604800000 Topic: AdBidderZoneDealDailyKey Partition: 0 Leader: 4 Replicas: 4,2 Isr: 4,2 - Then i ran a topic migration : $ /usr/share/kafka/bin/kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --zookeeper --reassignment-json-file target-zone-deal-daily.json --execute $ cat target-zone-deal-daily.json {"version":1,"partitions":[{"topic":"AdBidderZoneDealDailyKey","partition":0,"replicas":[4,5]}]} - Now i've two issues : the replication is very very slow, and i've kafka7 occurence (but we've shutdown this machine few weeks ago when all topic were migrated to other servers) : $ /usr/share/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper --describe --topic AdBidderZoneDealDailyKey Topic:AdBidderZoneDealDailyKey PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:4 Configs:retention.ms=604800000 Topic: AdBidderZoneDealDailyKey Partition: 0 Leader: 4 Replicas: 4,5,2,*7* Isr: 4,2 Does anyone have an idea on our issue please ? Regards. -- Anthony Pastor. <http://www.stickyads.tv/> [image: http://www.stickyads.tv/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/StickyADS.tv-Black-Logo-PNG-300x46.png] <http://www.stickyads.tv/> PARIS | *MONTPELLIER* | MADRID | MILAN | HAMBURG | LONDON