Hi experts,

I'm newbie in the Kafka world, so excuse me for such basic question.

I'm in the process of designing a client for Kafka, and after few hours of
study, I was told that to achieve a proper level of parallelism, it is a
best practice having one thread for each partition of an topic.

My question is that this rule-of-thumb also applies for multiple consumer
applications. For instance:

Considering a topic with 4 partitions, it is OK to have one consumer
application with 4 threads, just like would be OK to have two consumer
applications with 2 threads each. But what about having two consumer
applications with 4 threads each? It would break any load-balancing made by
Kafka brokers?

Anyway, I'd like to understand if the proper number of threads that should
match the number of partitions is per application or if there is some other
best practice.

Thanks in advance,

Ricardo Ferreira

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