Hi, All >From my last ticket (Subject: kafka production server test), Guozhang kindly point me the system test package come with kafka source build which is really cool package. I took a look at this package, things are clear is I run it on localhost, I don't need to change anything, say, cluster_config.json defines entities, and system test reads testcase_xxxx_properties.json to override the properties in cluster_config.json. For example, cluster_config.json defaults hostname as localhost, and three brokers, I assume it will create 3 brokers in localhost and continue the test.
Currently I install the package on a vagrant VM, and like to run the system test on VM and remotely access production to test production cluster. The production cluster has 3 nodes. kafka production cluster is on top of a 5-node zookeeper ensemble. My questions is how to effectively change the properties on vagrant system test package. 1. change on cluster_config.json, like { "entity_id": "0", "hostname": ",,,,", "role": "zookeeper", "cluster_name": "target", "kafka_home": "/etc/kafka", "java_home": "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre", "jmx_port": "9990" }, { "entity_id": "1", "hostname": "", "role": "broker", "cluster_name": "target", "kafka_home": "/etc/kafka", "java_home": "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre", "jmx_port": "9991" }, Here because I want to test remote servers, so I need to change the cluster_name as "target", right? 2. In directory ./replication_testsuite/config/ , for all the properties files, do I need to change them all to be the same as the properties on production servers? 3. in ./replication_testsuite/testcase_xxxx/, seems I need to make corresponding changes as well to keep consistent with ./config/....properties, such as "log.dir": "/tmp/kafka_server_1_logs" will be change to the log.dir in my production server.properties, is that right? Hope someone who has done the system test on remote server can share some experience, thanks AL -- Alec Li