By default Kafka writes its server logs into a "logs" directory underneath
the installation root. I'm trying to override this to get it to write logs
to an external location so that I can separate all the read/write logs/data
from the read-only binaries. But I can't get it to work correctly.

I've set the following in my startup script to try to get it to log to


In /etc/kafka/ I've also set kafka.logs.dir to the same
location as specified above. If I only specify it in the properties file
and not via KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS, it doesn't work (all of the logs keep going
to the default location).

And this works... sort of. It sends all logs where I want *except* for
kafkaServer-gc.log and kafkaServer.out, both of which still go to "logs"
under the installation root.

Am I missing something? Or can I simply not redirect these two files so
that ALL my logs go somewhere outside the installation location?


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