I’m looking at implementing Kafka consumers in Go. From the Kafka wiki, I see that there are two clients available.
1. https://github.com/Shopify/sarama 2. https://github.com/stealthly/go_kafka_client Of the two which is more fully featured? Specifically, I’m looking for automatic load balancing and fail-over when consumer clients fail. I was disappointed with the Python client library (https://github.com/mumrah/kafka-python) that did not have this functionality built into it and I want to make sure that I don’t make another choice were I’ll be disappointed. Are there any reasons to prefer one of the listed Go clients over the other? Are there any gotchas with either of the two client libraries? Thanks. >From the wiki at >https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Clients#Clients-Go%28AKAgolang%29 Go (AKA golang) Pure Go implementation with full protocol support. Consumer and Producer implementations included, GZIP and Snappy compression supported. Maintainer: Shopify<http://shopify.com> License: MIT https://github.com/Shopify/sarama Another Pure Go implementation built to work as like the "Consumer Group" High Level Consumer with more features including plug-able partition ownership and work fan out. Maintainer: Big Data Open Source Security<https://www.linkedin.com/company/big-data-open-source-security-llc> License: Apache v2.0 https://github.com/stealthly/go_kafka_client Regards. -- Deklan Dieterly Hewlett-Packard Company Sr. Systems Software Engineer HP Cloud