
kafka-topics.sh script can be used to retrieve topic information.

Ex: sh kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe --topic TOPIC1

You can look into TopicCommand.scala code

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 2:01 PM, Ankit Jain <ankitm.j...@impetus.co.in>

> Hi All,
> I want to get the replication and partition count of a topic. I tried the
> following piece of code:
>         java.util.Set<String> topics = new HashSet<String>();
>         topics.add("topicName");
>         Set<TopicMetadata> topicMetadatas =
> AdminUtils.fetchTopicMetadataFromZk(JavaConversions.asScalaSet(topics),
> zkClient);
>         Iterator<TopicMetadata> topicMetadataIterator =
> topicMetadatas.iterator();
>         while (topicMetadataIterator.hasNext()) {
>             topicMetadataIterator.next();
>             topicMetadataIterator.next().
>             Iterator<PartitionMetadata> partitionMetadataIterator =
> topicMetadataIterator.next().partitionsMetadata().iterator();
>         }
> But, the above code returning me the metadata of each partition and also
> replica details of each partition.
> Is there any simple API available in kafka to get the partition and
> replica count for a topic.
> Thanks,
> Ankit
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