
Have you had a chance to go to production with the C# producer and any updates 
on documentation?

I will be checking out the C# library sometime next week.



-----Original Message-----
From: Thunder Stumpges [] 
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 1:10 PM
Subject: RE: Kafka in C#

We definitely will. Wanted to wait until we got more confident the API was 
solid, ran in production for a little, and added a bit more documentation.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Stein []
Received: Monday, 22 Dec 2014, 10:05AM
To: []
Subject: Re: Kafka in C#

Thunder, can you add that to
didn't know it existed but cool that it uses Rx

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 12:52 PM, Thunder Stumpges <>

> Hi there,
> We looked at both of these a while back and ended up writing our own (
> The first one in the list was completely synchronous, and had no concept
> of batching. We initially attempted to use the second one (kafka-net) but
> had some issues with detecting leader changes, temporary errors, and
> general topic metadata changes. Also had some problems with the use of
> async and the tracking of correlation IDs on tcp messages.
> I know our client does not have a lot of documentation (yet) and says
> "Work in progress, not ready yet!" but we have been testing this a lot, and
> have been running in staging under load with good results. We will be
> entering production in the next few weeks (waiting until after the
> holidays). I wouldn't be comfortable with it going straight to production
> without some testing in your environment, but especially the Producer is
> very robust, and is resilient to all sorts of changes in the environment
> (the integration tests use Vagrant and a set of VMs and test Producing to
> non-existent partition and waiting for auto-creation of topic, partition
> rebalancing, broker down or other partition re-assignment, etc.) The client
> is fully Async and leverages Rx ( and an
> event-loop-scheduler to do all processing. Changes in partition state are
> broadcast Rx style to listening components (Producer, Consumer,
> PartitionRecoveryMonitor).
> One of the reasons we have not finalized the documentation and notice on
> the github page is we weren't sure if the API might change based on usage.
> To this end, we'd like to know what you think and if you have any use-cases
> not handled by the API.
> I understand if you're not comfortable with the beta state of the client,
> but we'd love to have you check it out. We are actively developing on this
> and can help with any issues.
> Thanks,
> Thunder
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matti Waarna []
> Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 7:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: Kafka in C#
> We are using kafka version and trying to produce from a C# app.
> I realize that there is no official C# library release and want to get
> your experience with the existing solutions that are currently available.
> I am looking for a solution that is a) stable enough for production
> environment and b) performs well.
> 1) A couple of active github projects are available along with a few forks
> each.
> Has Anybody worked on either of the following two options to contribute
> their findings?
> 2) Also there is the option of IKVM to import kafka JARS into a .net DLL.
> Maybe even another solution?
> Thanks

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