Is there a firewall between your DEV and PROD environments? If so you will need 
to open access on all ports, not just JMX port.

It gets complicated with JMX.....

Gene Robichaux
Manager, Database Operations
8300 Douglas Avenue I Suite 800 I Dallas, TX  75225

-----Original Message-----
From: Sa Li [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2015 1:09 PM
Subject: kafka monitoring

Hello, All

I understand many of you are using jmxtrans along with graphite/ganglia to pull 
out metrics, according to,  it says "The 
easiest way to see the available metrics to fire up jconsole and point it at a 
running kafka client or server; this will all browsing all metrics with JMX. .."

I tried to fire up a jconsole on windows attempting to access our dev and 
production cluster which are running good, here is the main node of my dev:, broker port:9092, zk port:2181

Jconsole shows:

 New Connection
Remote Process:

Usage: <hostname>:<port> OR service:jmx:<protocol>:<sap>
Username:            Password:

Sorry about my naive, I tried connect base on above ip just can't be connected, 
do I need to do something in dev server to be able to make it work?



Alec Li

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