I don't think a separate queue will be a very simple solution to implement.

Could you describe your use case a little bit more. It does seem to me that
as long as the metadata fetch happens only once and the blocking has a
tight time bound this should be okay in any use case I can imagine. And, of
course, by default the client blocks anyway whenever you exhaust the memory
buffer space. But it sounds like you feel it isn't. Maybe you could
describe the scenario a bit?

I think one thing we could do is what was discussed in another thread,
namely add an option like
which would default to false. When true this would cause the producer to
just initialize metadata for all topics when it is created. Note that this
then brings back the opposite problem--doing remote communication during
initialization which tends to bite a lot of people. But since this would be
an option that would default to false perhaps it would be less likely to
come as a surprise.


On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 8:38 AM, Steven Wu <stevenz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> +1. it should be truly async in all cases.
> I understand some challenges that Jay listed in the other thread. But we
> need a solution nonetheless. e.g. can we maintain a separate
> list/queue/buffer for pending messages without metadata.
> On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 12:57 PM, John Boardman <boardmanjo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I was just fighting this same situation. I never expected the new
> producer
> > send() method to block as it returns a Future and accepts a Callback.
> > However, when I tried my unit test, just replacing the old producer with
> > the new, I immediately started getting timeouts waiting for metadata. I
> > struggled with this until I went into the source code and found the
> wait()
> > that waits for the metadata.
> >
> > At that point I realized that this new "async" producer would have to be
> > executed on its own thread, unlike the old producer, which complicates my
> > code unnecessarily. I totally agree with Paul that the contract of send()
> > is being completely violated with internal code that can block.
> >
> > I did try fetching the metadata first, but that only worked for a few
> calls
> > before the producer decided it was time to update the metadata again.
> >
> > Again, I agree with Paul that this API should be fixed so that it is
> truly
> > asynchronous in all cases. Otherwise, it cannot be used on the main
> thread
> > of an application as it will block and fail.
> >

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