  Playing around with the 0.8.2-beta producer client. One of my test cases is 
to ensure producers can deal with Kafka being down when the producer is 
created. My tests failed miserably because of the default blocking in the 
producer with regard to metadata.fetch.timeout.ms. The first line of new 
producer is waitOnMetadata which is blocking.

I can handle this case by loading topic meta on init and setting the timeout 
value to very low metadata.fetch.timeout.ms and either throwing away messages 
or creating my own internal queue to buffer.

I'm surprised the metasync isn't done async. If it fails, return that in the 
future/callback. This way the API could actually be considered safely async and 
the producer buffer could try to hold on to things until block.on.buffer.full 
kicks in. You'd probably need a partition callback since numPartitions wouldn't 
be available.

The implication is that people's apps will work fine if first messages are sent 
while kafka server is up, however, if kafka is down and they restart their app, 
the new producer will block all sends and blow things up if you haven't written 
your app to be aware of this edge case.

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