Hello, I'm using 0.8.2-beta with 3 brokers and 3 zookeeper nodes (3.4.6). I had some known issues with that were supposedly fixed in 0.8.2, so I moved to 0.82-beta, but now I'm getting different errors in 0.8.2-beta.
All the brokers come up fine and registered with the zookeeper. Then, I created a topic, which succeeds on the command line, but there are many errors in the kafka logs. Does anyone know why this may be happening? Thanks, Terry --- bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper migration201:2181,migration202:2181,migration203:2181 --replication-factor 2 --topic nto1-mailboxes --partition 100 Created topic "nto1-mailboxes". [2014-12-18 05:34:23,405] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-202], Error for partition [nto1-mailboxes,29] to broker 202:class kafka.common.UnknownException (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread) [2014-12-18 05:34:23,406] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-202], Error for partition [nto1-mailboxes,11] to broker 202:class kafka.common.UnknownException (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread) [2014-12-18 05:34:23,406] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-202], Error for partition [nto1-mailboxes,23] to broker 202:class kafka.common.UnknownException (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread) Another broker has: [2014-12-18 05:34:26,485] ERROR [KafkaApi-202] error when handling request Name: FetchRequest; Version: 0; CorrelationId : 463; ClientId: ReplicaFetcherThread-0-202; ReplicaId: 201; MaxWait: 500 ms; MinBytes: 1 bytes; RequestInfo: [nto1-mail boxes,29] -> PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,11] -> PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,23] -> P artitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,83] -> PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,5] -> PartitionFetchIn fo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,59] -> PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,17] -> PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576), [nto1-mailboxes,65] -> PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,41] -> PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxe s,77] -> PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,47] -> PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,53] -> Parti tionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,95] -> PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,89] -> PartitionFetchInfo( 0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,35] -> PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576),[nto1-mailboxes,71] -> PartitionFetchInfo(0,1048576) (ka fka.server.KafkaApis) kafka.common.NotAssignedReplicaException: Leader 202 failed to record follower 201's position -1 since the replica is no t recognized to be one of the assigned replicas for partition [nto1-mailboxes,65] at kafka.server.ReplicaManager.updateReplicaLEOAndPartitionHW(ReplicaManager.scala:570) at kafka.server.KafkaApis$$anonfun$recordFollowerLogEndOffsets$2.apply(KafkaApis.scala:348) at kafka.server.KafkaApis$$anonfun$recordFollowerLogEndOffsets$2.apply(KafkaApis.scala:346) at scala.collection.MapLike$MappedValues$$anonfun$foreach$3.apply(MapLike.scala:245) at scala.collection.MapLike$MappedValues$$anonfun$foreach$3.apply(MapLike.scala:245) at scala.collection.TraversableLike$WithFilter$$anonfun$foreach$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:772) at scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$HashMap1.foreach(HashMap.scala:224) at scala.collection.immutable.HashMap$HashTrieMap.foreach(HashMap.scala:403) at scala.collection.TraversableLike$WithFilter.foreach(TraversableLike.scala:771) at scala.collection.MapLike$MappedValues.foreach(MapLike.scala:245) at kafka.server.KafkaApis.recordFollowerLogEndOffsets(KafkaApis.scala:346) at kafka.server.KafkaApis.handleFetchRequest(KafkaApis.scala:311) at kafka.server.KafkaApis.handle(KafkaApis.scala:60) at kafka.server.KafkaRequestHandler.run(KafkaRequestHandler.scala:59) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) However, the describe topic shows that everything is fine: Topic:nto1-mailboxes PartitionCount:100 ReplicationFactor:2 Configs: Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 0 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 1 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 2 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 3 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 4 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 5 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 6 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 7 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 8 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 9 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 10 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 11 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 12 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 13 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 14 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 15 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 16 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 17 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 18 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 19 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 20 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 21 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 22 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 23 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 24 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 25 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 26 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 27 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 28 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 29 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 30 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 31 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 32 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 33 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 34 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 35 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 36 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 37 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 38 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 39 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 40 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 41 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 42 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 43 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 44 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 45 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 46 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 47 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 48 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 49 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 50 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 51 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 52 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 53 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 54 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 55 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 56 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 57 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 58 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 59 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 60 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 61 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 62 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 63 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 64 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 65 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 66 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 67 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 68 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 69 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 70 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 71 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 72 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 73 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 74 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 75 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 76 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 77 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 78 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 79 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 80 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 81 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 82 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 83 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 84 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 85 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 86 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 87 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 88 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 89 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 90 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 91 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 92 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 93 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 94 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,203 Isr: 201,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 95 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,201 Isr: 202,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 96 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,201 Isr: 203,201 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 97 Leader: 201 Replicas: 201,202 Isr: 201,202 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 98 Leader: 202 Replicas: 202,203 Isr: 202,203 Topic: nto1-mailboxes Partition: 99 Leader: 203 Replicas: 203,202 Isr: 203,202