It looks like broker 5 is in a bad state. You are likely going to have to
shut it down. From there you have a few options and depending on your
environment setup will dictate if you do shut it down and/or what you do
after that. Spinning up another server with == 5  and let
replication heal the topics that were durable is a way to go. If you do
that then you can go back to the old server and debug what went wrong and
recover the replication factor == 1 partition data (back it up) and fix
that later after you figure out what went wrong.

 Joe Stein
 Founder, Principal Consultant
 Big Data Open Source Security LLC
 Twitter: @allthingshadoop <>

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 2:54 AM, ashendra bansal <>

> Hi,
>     One of the broker seems to have got corrupted in my cluster of 7
> brokers. All the topic partitions where this broker was leader are having
> NoLeader or UnderReplicated partition exceptions.
> All these partittions have no leader and even no replica in the isr(in-sync
> replica) set.
> Corrupt broker id - 5.
> topic: topic1 partition: 2 leader: -1 replicas: 5 isr:
> topic: topic1 partition: 8 leader: -1 replicas: 5 isr:
> topic: topic1 partition: 14 leader: -1 replicas: 5 isr:
> topic: topic2 partition: 1 leader: -1 replicas: 5 isr:
> topic: topic2 partition: 8 leader: -1 replicas: 5 isr:
> topic: topic2 partition: 15 leader: -1 replicas: 5 isr:
> topic: topic3 partition: 1 leader: -1 replicas: 5 isr:
> topic: topic3 partition: 8 leader: -1 replicas: 5 isr:
> topic: topic3 partition: 15 leader: -1 replicas: 5 isr:
> I have tried the replication tools to manually assign broker to these
> partitions but that did not helped. As none of them are in isr set.
> Unfortunately the replication factor for these topics was 1. But for topics
> where the replication factor was higher, the problem persist. There the
> leader has been assigned to the next preferred replica but the replica on
> corrupt broker is not moved to isr set even after long time(days) and
> partitions have logs in order of 100s.
> topic: topic4 partition: 1 leader: 6 replicas: 5,6 isr: 6
> For same topic, the partition where leader was not broker 5(corrupted
> broker) there broker 5 is still in isr set.
> topic: topic4 partition: 0 leader: 4 replicas: 4,5 isr: 4,5
> Another observation, the corrupted broker has topic creation log in its
> INFO logs, printed very frequently, every minute
> [2014-12-09 13:07:27,878] INFO Topic creation { "partitions":{ "0":[ 4, 3
> ], "1":[ 5, 4 ] }, "version":1 } (kafka.admin.AdminUtils$)
> Though there are no topics created on the cluster.
> Has anyone faced a similar problem. How can I fix it.
> Ashendra

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