I found some logs like this before everything started to go wrong

[2014-12-02 07:08:11,722] WARN Partition [test3,13] on broker 2: No
checkpointed highwatermark is found for partition [test3,7]
[2014-12-02 07:08:11,722] WARN Partition [test3,7] on broker 2: No
checkpointed highwatermark is found for partition [test3,7]
and further down

[2014-12-02 07:08:11,740] INFO Truncating log test3-13 to offset 0.
[2014-12-02 07:08:11,740] INFO Truncating log test3-9 to offset 0.
[2014-12-02 07:08:11,740] INFO Truncating log test3-6 to offset 0.
[2014-12-02 07:08:11,740] INFO Truncating log test3-28 to offset 0.
[2014-12-02 07:08:11,741] INFO Truncating log test3-27 to offset 0.
[2014-12-02 07:08:11,741] INFO Truncating log test3-15 to offset 0.
[2014-12-02 07:08:11,741] INFO Truncating log test3-7 to offset 0.

after that the logs from the first post starts. I don't know if that helps
or explains anything....


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