Could you be a bit more specific about the issue? As long as there is
protocol compatibility btw the Kafka client and the broker, upgrading the
Kafka client library should be easy, right?



On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 3:57 PM, Krishna Raj <>

> Hello Amazing Kafka Creators & User,
> I have learnt and use kafka in our Production system, so you can count my
> understanding as intermediate.
> With the statement that "Kafka has solved the Scalability and Availability
> needs for a large scale message publish/subscribe system", I understand
> that having a Producer Service which sits in between the Application and
> the Producer defects the one major purpose of Kafka.
> So, my question is, How to loosely couple Kafka with my Production
> Application ?
> The reason being, I wish to do all producer code and Kafka library
> maintenance without affecting my large scale Production system. Its not an
> easy thing to buy a window to these type of changes done on a large scale
> production application :)
> Any advice on how this can be achieved(even moderately) will greatly help ?
> Thanks,
> Krishna Raj

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