In the initial state all replicas are in isr list, but sometimes when I check the topic state, the replica can never become isr even if actually it is synchronized. I saw in the log, the leader print expand isr request,but did not work. I found a interesting thing, the shrink and expand request happened just after the controller switch. I don't know whether it is related, and the controller log is overwrite, so I can not verify. Is there anything I can do to trigger the isr update? Currently, I alter the zookeeper partition state, and it works, but it really need a lot of manual work to do as I have quite a lot of topics in my cluster. Some useful information is as follows.
*my replica lag config for default:* replica.lag.max.messages=4000 *controller info:* [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 4] get /kafka08/controller {"version":1,"brokerid":29,"timestamp":"1416608404008"} cZxid = 0x5a4c85923 ctime = Sat Nov 22 06:20:04 CST 2014 mZxid = 0x5a4c85923 mtime = Sat Nov 22 06:20:04 CST 2014 pZxid = 0x5a4c85923 cversion = 0 dataVersion = 0 aclVersion = 0 ephemeralOwner = 0x5477ba622cb6c7d dataLength = 55 numChildren = 0 *topic info:* Topic:org.nginx PartitionCount:48 ReplicationFactor:2 Configs: Topic: org.nginx Partition: 0 Leader: 17 Replicas: 17,32 Isr: 17,32 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 1 Leader: 18 Replicas: 18,33 Isr: 18,33 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 2 Leader: 19 Replicas: 19,34 Isr: 34,19 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 3 Leader: 20 Replicas: 20,35 Isr: 35,20 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 4 Leader: 21 Replicas: 21,36 Isr: 21,36 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 5 Leader: 22 Replicas: 22,17 Isr: 17,22 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 6 Leader: 23 Replicas: 23,18 Isr: 18,23 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 7 Leader: 24 Replicas: 24,19 Isr: 24,19 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 8 Leader: 25 Replicas: 25,20 Isr: 25,20 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 9 Leader: 26 Replicas: 26,21 Isr: 26,21 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 10 Leader: 27 Replicas: 27,22 Isr: 27,22 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 11 Leader: 28 Replicas: 28,23 Isr: 28,23 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 12 Leader: 29 Replicas: 29,24 Isr: 29 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 13 Leader: 30 Replicas: 30,25 Isr: 30,25 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 14 Leader: 31 Replicas: 31,26 Isr: 26,31 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 15 Leader: 32 Replicas: 32,27 Isr: 27,32 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 16 Leader: 33 Replicas: 33,28 Isr: 33,28 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 17 Leader: 34 Replicas: 34,29 Isr: 29,34 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 18 Leader: 35 Replicas: 35,30 Isr: 30,35 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 19 Leader: 36 Replicas: 36,31 Isr: 31,36 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 20 Leader: 17 Replicas: 17,32 Isr: 17,32 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 21 Leader: 18 Replicas: 18,33 Isr: 18,33 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 22 Leader: 19 Replicas: 19,34 Isr: 34,19 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 23 Leader: 20 Replicas: 20,35 Isr: 35,20 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 24 Leader: 21 Replicas: 21,36 Isr: 21,36 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 25 Leader: 22 Replicas: 22,17 Isr: 17,22 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 26 Leader: 23 Replicas: 23,18 Isr: 18,23 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 27 Leader: 24 Replicas: 24,19 Isr: 24,19 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 28 Leader: 25 Replicas: 25,20 Isr: 25,20 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 29 Leader: 26 Replicas: 26,21 Isr: 26,21 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 30 Leader: 27 Replicas: 27,22 Isr: 27,22 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 31 Leader: 28 Replicas: 28,23 Isr: 28,23 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 32 Leader: 29 Replicas: 29,24 Isr: 29 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 33 Leader: 30 Replicas: 30,25 Isr: 30,25 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 34 Leader: 31 Replicas: 31,26 Isr: 26,31 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 35 Leader: 32 Replicas: 32,27 Isr: 27,32 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 36 Leader: 33 Replicas: 33,28 Isr: 33,28 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 37 Leader: 34 Replicas: 34,29 Isr: 29,34 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 38 Leader: 35 Replicas: 35,30 Isr: 30,35 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 39 Leader: 36 Replicas: 36,31 Isr: 31,36 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 40 Leader: 17 Replicas: 17,32 Isr: 17,32 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 41 Leader: 18 Replicas: 18,33 Isr: 33,18 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 42 Leader: 19 Replicas: 19,34 Isr: 34,19 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 43 Leader: 20 Replicas: 20,35 Isr: 35,20 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 44 Leader: 21 Replicas: 21,36 Isr: 21,36 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 45 Leader: 22 Replicas: 22,17 Isr: 17,22 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 46 Leader: 23 Replicas: 23,18 Isr: 18,23 Topic: org.nginx Partition: 47 Leader: 24 Replicas: 24,19 Isr: 24,19 -- have a good day! chenshang'an