Many similarities.

For Kinesis right now:

* only a 1 day max retention
* max 50KB message size
* guaranteed throughput based on MB/sec in and out.
* servers hosting the shards abstracted away by SaaS

For collaborative consumption, Kinesis uses DynamoDB whereas Kafka
uses Zookeeper.

Until recently, the collaborative consumption library was Java only.
They recently released a bridge daemon (MultiLangDaemon) which lets
you use Python too.  I wrote a Golang client for using that same
bridge daemon in about a day (

For handling the broker topology, you just write to the Kinesis API
which takes care of the distribution to the appropriate shards

Another downside on Kinesis is that it doesn't have Kafka's neat
producer-side message batch compression.

The most compelling use case for Kinesis right now is if you're and
AWS shop and don't want to deal with setting up and maintaining a
Kafka cluster.  And even then it's only applicable if you're use case
fits inside the retention and message size limitations.


On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Joseph Lawson <> wrote:
> Oh man they look similar.  Any comments?

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