I am trying to figure out how to add partitions and assign replicas using one admin command. I tried kafka.admin.TopicCommand to increase the partition number from 9 to 12 with the following options:
/apps/kafka/bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.admin.TopicCommand --zookeeper ${ZOOKEEPER} --alter --topic test_topic_4 --partitions 12 --replica-assignment 2:1,0:2,1:0,1:2,2:0,0:1,1:0,2:1,0:2,2:1,0:2,1:0 This gives me an error Option "[replica-assignment]" can't be used with option"[partitions]" Looking into the TopicCommand, alterTopic function seems to be able to handle that but the command exits with the above error before this function is invoked. Is there any workaround or other recommended way to achieve this? Thanks, Allen