Hi Jim,

OffsetOutOfRange means that the partition's log offset range is [a, b] and
the requested offset is either < a or > b. It could be caused by log
truncation based on the retention policy while consumer fetching at the
same time.


On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Jimmy John <jimmyisl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
>     We are using kafka version 0.8.1 and the python kafka client.
> Everything has been working fine and suddenly this morning I saw
> a OffsetOutOfRange on one of the partitions. (We have 20 partitions in our
> kafka cluster)
>    We fixed it by seeking to the head offset and restarting the app.
>    But why would we get such an error during normal course of operations?
> isn't the offset a continually increasing number?
> thx
> Jim
> @jimmyislive

-- Guozhang

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