You need to pass in the topic name as well. It's better to
use AdminUtils.createTopic() to create the topic.



On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 4:43 PM, Pradeep Badiger <>

>  Hi,
> We have issues in getting the topic metadata created when we use the
> TopicCommand.createTopic() API.
> We have the following configurations
> Red Hat Linux  6.2, Kernel 2.6.32-431.eI6.x86_64 on an x86_64
> 2 GB RAM
> 2 Core CPU.
> Following are the steps and results for the exception that we encountered.
> 1.      We created the topic using TopicCommand.createTopic() and it
> returned without any issues.
> 2.      The producer is trying to add the data to the topic.
> 3.      The producer fails with an exception
> *k.p.BrokerPartitionInfo - Error while fetching metadata [*
> *{TopicMetadata for topic tloader1 -> No partition metadata for topic
> tloader1 due to kafka.common.UnknownTopicOrPartitionException}*
> *] for topic [tloader1]: class
> kafka.common.UnknownTopicOrPartitionException*
> 4.      We checked the log directory of kafka and we don’t see the folder
> for the topic that we tried to create.
> 5.      We can list the topic using the list command on the terminal.
> 6.      We checked the zookeeper and we don’t see the sub-nodes for the
> partitions under topic.
> We haven’t seen this happening always. We use the default configurations
> for Kafka except we overridden the auto creation of topics. Attached are
> the zookeeper and kafka configurations.
> We pass the following in the arguments
> replication-factor : 1
> partition : 1
> zkClient = *new* ZkClient(zookeeperHost, Integer.*valueOf*(sessionTimeoutMs),
> Integer.*valueOf*(connectionTimeoutMs), *MODULE$*);
> TopicCommand.*createTopic*(zkClient, *new*
> TopicCommandOptions(arguments));
> Thanks,
> Pradeep V.B.
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