
We have accumulated an impressive list of pretty major features in 0.8.2 -
Delete topic
Automated leader rebalancing
Controlled shutdown
Offset management
Parallel recovery
min.isr and
clean leader election

In the past, what has worked for major feature releases is a beta release
prior to a final release. I'm proposing we do the same for 0.8.2. The only
blockers for 0.8.2-beta, that I know of are -

https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1493 (Is a major change and
requires some thinking about the new dependency. Since it is not fully
ready and there are things to think about, I suggest we take it out, think
it end to end and then include it in 0.8.3.)
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1634 (This has an owner:
Guozhang Wang)
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1671 (Has a patch and is
waiting on a review by Joe Stein)

It seems that 1634 and 1671 can get wrapped up in a week. Do people think
we should cut 0.8.2-beta by next week?


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