It's quite difficult to infer from the docs the exact techniques required to ensure consistency and durability in Kafka. I propose that we add a doc section detailing these techniques. I would be happy to help with this.
The basic question is this: assuming that I can afford to temporarily halt production to Kafka, how do I ensure that no message written to Kafka is ever lost under typical failure scenarios (i.e., the loss of a single broker)? Here's my understanding of this for Kafka v0.8.1.1: 1. Create a topic with a replication factor of 3. 2. Use a sync producer and set acks to 2. (Setting acks to -1 may successfully write even in a case where the data is written only to a single node). Even with these two precautions, there's always the possibility of an "unclean leader election." Can data loss still occur in this scenario? Is it possible to achieve this level of durability on v0.8.1.1? In Kafka v0.8.2, in addition to the above: 3. Ensure that the triple-replicated topic also disallows unclean leader election ( 4. Set the min.isr value of the producer to 2 and acks to -1 ( The producer will then throw an exception if data can't be written to 2 out of 3 nodes. In addition to producer configuration and usage, there are also monitoring and operations considerations for achieving durability and consistency. As those are rather nuanced, it'd probably be easiest to just start iterating on a document to flesh those out. If anyone has any advice on how to better specify this, or how to get started on improving the docs, I'm happy to help out.