Hi all!

We are using yammer metrics to monitor some parts of our system.
Since we upgrade from kafka 0.7.2 to, we saw a lot more data
getting in our graphite server and from what I saw, it looks like it all
come from our producers.

>From what i understand, since we already use graphite, our graphiteReporter
is enable in our main web site and our kafka producers are having fun using
it too to monitor in graphite.

The problem is that right now kafka is hammering of graphite server and we
have difficulty to saw our monitored data...

Is there a way to deactivate the monitoring of our kafka producers?

François Langelier
Étudiant en génie Logiciel - École de Technologie Supérieure
Capitaine Club Capra <http://capra.etsmtl.ca/>
VP-Communication - CS Games <http://csgames.org> 2014
Jeux de Génie <http://www.jdgets.com/> 2011 à 2014
Magistrat Fraternité du Piranha <http://fraternitedupiranha.com/>
Comité Organisateur Olympiades ÉTS 2012
Compétition Québécoise d'Ingénierie 2012 - Compétition Senior

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