Assuming the partitions are replicated, a migration plan could be:
- install latest kafka on broker $i, /etc/kakfa-NEW
- update server config in  /etc/kakfa-NEW/config/ to match
the old one (in particular zookeeper.connect and log.dirs)
- stop broker $i
- start broker $i from /etc/kakfa-NEW/bin/....

I successfully did that for a 6-broker cluster going from 0.8.1 to


On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 3:56 PM, Connie Yang <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> If I want to upgrade from Kafka to a newer version, what are the
> steps that I need to do without impacting production traffic?  More
> specifically, how do I have the new brokers to continue writing to the
> existing logs assuming the file format has not changed?
> Is there a migration tool for us to use?
> Thanks,
> Connie

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