I am running on and I thought that the partition reassignment tools
can do this job. Just was not sure if this is the best way to do this.
I will try this out in stage env first and will perform the same in prod.


On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 7:23 PM, Joe Stein <joe.st...@stealth.ly> wrote:

> Marcin, that is a typical task now.  What version of Kafka are you running?
> Take a look at
> https://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#basic_ops_cluster_expansion
> and
> https://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#basic_ops_increase_replication_factor
> Basically you can do a --generate to get existing JSON topology and with
> that take the results of "Current partition replica assignment" (the first
> JSON that outputs) and make whatever changes (like sed old node for new
> node and add more replica's which increase the replication factor, whatever
> you want) and then --execute.
> With lots of data this takes time so you will want to run --verify to see
> what is in progress... good thing do a node at a time (even topic at a
> time) however you want to manage and wait for it as such.
> The "preferred" replica is simply the first one in the list of replicas.
>  The kafka-preferred-replica-election.sh just makes that replica the leader
> as this is not automatic yet.
> If you are running a version prior to it might make sense to
> upgrade the old nodes first then run reassign to the new servers.
> /*******************************************
>  Joe Stein
>  Founder, Principal Consultant
>  Big Data Open Source Security LLC
>  http://www.stealth.ly
>  Twitter: @allthingshadoop <http://www.twitter.com/allthingshadoop>
> ********************************************/
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 8:59 PM, Marcin Michalski <mmichal...@tagged.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi, I would like to migrate my Kafka setup from old servers to new
> servers.
> > Let say I have 8 really old servers that have the kafka topics/partitions
> > replicated 4 ways and want to migrate the data to 4 brand new servers and
> > want the replication factor be 3. I wonder if anyone has ever performed
> > this type of migration?
> >
> > Will auto rebalancing take care of this automatically if I do the
> > following?
> >
> > Let say I bring down old broker id 1 down and startup new server broker
> id
> > 100 up, is there a way to migrate all of the data of the topic that had
> the
> > topic (where borker id 1 was the leader) over to the new broker 100?
> >
> > Or do I need to use *bin/kafka-preferred-replica-election.sh *to reassign
> > the topics/partitions from old broker 1 to broker 100? And then just keep
> > doing the same thing until all of the old brokers are decommissioned?
> >
> > Also, would kafka-preferred-replica-election.sh let me actually lower the
> > number of replicas as well, if I just simply make sure that given
> > topic/partition was only elected 3 times versus 4?
> >
> > Thanks for your insight,
> > Marcin
> >

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