Hi ,
Thanks for the quick follow up Philip.
Also , can you let me know whether the kafka implementation can be as
versatile as ActiveMQ  with regards to connectivity?
I mean to say a web-app generating transactional data in a data base from
java webapp, ruby web app or .net web app .... can kafka talk to these with
ease as ActiveMQ does or any AMQP protocol messaging system does?
finally, i would also like to know whether 0.9.2 incubating can be used in


On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 9:50 PM, Philip O'Toole <
philip.oto...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:

> Kafka can ingest any kind of data, and connect to many types of systems.
> Much work exists in this area already, for hooking a wide variety of
> systems to Kafka. If your system isn't supported, then you write a Kafka
> Producer to pull (or receive) messages from your system, and write them to
> Kafka. Take a look at the Ecosystem page:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Ecosystem
> Philip
> -----------------------------------------
> http://www.philipotoole.com
> On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 5:05 AM, siddharth ubale <
> siddharth.ub...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> We are implementing a messaging system in order to perform Real time
> analytics. However, we are confused on using ActiveMQ or Apache Kafka. The
> point of worry for us are :
> 1. What kind of data can be ingested by Apache kafka? If we see , Active MQ
> uses the JMS which has an API to Java as well as other open source
> technologies. Therefore, in future we need not worry about interface to or
> from ActiveMQ while performing analytics. Does kafka have any feature like
> this where it can use a messaging service which can handle wide range of
> input types and also have connectors to various other systems?
> 2. As compared to network of brokers concept in ActiveMQ do we have
> something like that in kafka also??
> Thanks,
> Siddharth Ubale

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