:P  Thanks Philip!

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Philip O'Toole <
philip.oto...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:

> Nice work. That tool I put together was getting a bit old. :-)
> I updated the Kafka "ecosystem" page with details of both tools.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Ecosystem
> Philip
> -----------------------------------------
> http://www.philipotoole.com
> On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 9:32 AM, Cory Watson <gp...@keen.io> wrote:
> Hello all!
> If you use Storm and Kafka 0.8 together I may have an interesting project
> for you.  Recently at Keen IO <https://keen.io/> we upgraded from Kafka
> 0.7
> to 0.8 and needed to replace the features of stormkafkamon
> <https://github.com/otoolep/stormkafkamon> for monitoring spout offsets
> since it only worked with Kafka 0.7. So we created Capillary
> <https://github.com/keenlabs/capillary>!
> Given a bit of information
> <https://github.com/keenlabs/capillary#configuration> about your Zookeeper
> setup for Storm and Kafka, Capillary is a web application that
> automatically discovers topologies running Kafka 0.8 spouts and lets you
> click on them to see per-partition offsets
> <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keenlabs/capillary/master/shot.png>.
> It's JVM based and shouldn't require anything but Java where you run it. We
> decided this was a useful difference over the
> install-on-each-host-with-virtualenv model used by stormkafkamon.
> In addition to the helpful UI there is an API that you might use for
> collecting this information and sending it to your stats/observability
> systems for historical or alerting purposes. There's even an example python
> script
> <https://github.com/keenlabs/capillary/blob/master/stats-to-datadog.py> we
> use for reporting to Datadog <http://www.datadoghq.com/>.  It's very
> likely
> we'll move this to a scheduled thread inside Capillary using metrics
> <http://metrics.codahale.com/> and allow you to hook up your own reporter.
> I hope other uses of Kafka + Storm find this useful. Feel free to open an
> issue if you have issues setting it up or configuring it, or drop PRs if
> you have additional functionality. Thanks!
> (I'll be cross-posting this to the Storm list also!)
> --
> Cory Watson
> Principal Infrastructure Engineer // Keen IO

Cory Watson
Principal Infrastructure Engineer // Keen IO

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