Hi Team,

I have a requirement of reading real time data using kafka and write to
For this I am using SimpleConsumer to read data from Kafka topics and
writing into Cassandra.
I am maintaining offsets of topics in my log files.
The issue is that after few days like 3-4 days my cosumer code does not
read data from kafka topics and produce below log output :

20:01:17,068  INFO NposKafkaConsumer:48 - Taking partition from application
20:01:17,482 DEBUG BlockingChannel:52 - Created socket with SO_TIMEOUT =
100000 (requested 100000), SO_RCVBUF = 65536 (requested 65536), SO_SNDBUF =
64512 (requested -1).
20:01:17,545 DEBUG SimpleConsumer:52 - Disconnecting from <IP address>:9092
20:01:17,578 DEBUG NposKafkaConsumer:113 - NposKafkaConsumer.run() method
Inside while loop :: Value of max_reads::1
20:01:17,662 DEBUG BlockingChannel:52 - Created socket with SO_TIMEOUT =
100000 (requested 100000), SO_RCVBUF = 65536 (requested 65536), SO_SNDBUF =
64512 (requested -1).
20:01:17,804 DEBUG NposKafkaConsumer:193 - numRead::0 Sleeping
20:01:18,804 DEBUG NposKafkaConsumer:113 - NposKafkaConsumer.run() method
Inside while loop :: Value of max_reads::1
20:01:18,826 DEBUG NposKafkaConsumer:193 - numRead::0 Sleeping
20:01:19,827 DEBUG NposKafkaConsumer:113 - NposKafkaConsumer.run() method
Inside while loop :: Value of max_reads::1
20:01:19,852 DEBUG NposKafkaConsumer:193 - numRead::0 Sleeping

NposKafkaConsumer is my main SimpleCosumer class.
But, when I restart the kafka process by incrementing the offset by one
then again my code starts running fine for next few days.

Can you please help me how I can solve this and where I am going wrong ?

Thanks & Regards,
Pankaj Ojha

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