Odd -- I copied and pasted what you'd asked me to run:

/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments --files 

and I just re-ran it and the output looks the same as what I'd put up for 
people to grab.

   I also ran:

/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments --deep-iteration 
--files 00000000000000000000.log

and the output is identical (I diffed it to be sure).

   The publisher is publishing with compression turned off, though; when we had 
it turned on, I remember seeing some references to Snappy in there.  I'd turned 
compression off on the theory that (at the time) we had one thing producing in 
a way that caused corruption and one thing that was producing using 
compression, and maybe they were linked (but turning compression off didn't 


On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 04:00:33PM -0700, Jun Rao wrote:
> What's in there seems to be still the output for deep iteration. For
> shallow iteration, the compression codec for each message should be Snappy.
> Thanks,
> Jun
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 5:27 AM, Steve Miller <st...@idrathernotsay.com>
> wrote:
> >    Oh, yeah, sorry about that.  I threw a copy of that up at:
> >
> >         https://newbie.idrathernotsay.com/full.txt.gz
> >
> > (you'll get a cert error, for the four times I put something on the home
> > website each year, I didn't feel like getting a real cert (-: ).
> >
> >    If that doesn't work I'm sure I can figure something else out.
> >
> >         -Steve
> >
> > On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 05:04:29PM -0700, Neha Narkhede wrote:
> > > Apache doesn't allow attachments. Could you send maybe a pastebin or
> > > something?
> >

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