Have you configured log.retention.bytes?



On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Kashyap Paidimarri <kashy...@gmail.com>

> We just noticed that one of our topics has been horribly misbehaving.
> *retention.ms <http://retention.ms>* for the topic is set to 1209600000 ms
> However, segments are getting schedule for deletetion as soon as a new one
> is rolled over. And naturally consumers are running into a
> kafka.common.OffsetOutOfRangeException whenever this happens.
> Is this a known bug? It is incredibly serious. We seem to have lost about
> 40 million messages on a single topic and are yet to figure out what all
> topics are affected.
> I thought of restarting Kafka but figured I'd leave it untouched while I
> figure out what I can capture for finding the root cause.
> Meanwhile in order to keep from losing any more data, I have a periodic job
> that is doing a *'cp -al' *of the partitions into a separate folder. That
> way Kafka goes ahead and deletes the segment but the data is not lost from
> the filesystem.
> If this is a unseen bug, what should I save from the running instance.
> By the way, this has affected all partitions and replicas of the topic and
> not on a specific host.

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