Thanks so much for the detailed explanation Jun, it pretty much lines up with 
my understanding.

In the case below, if we didn't particularly care about ordering and 
re-produced m2, it would then become m5, and in many use cases this would be ok?

Perhaps a more direct question would be, once 0.8.2 is out and I have a topic 
with unclean leader election disabled, and produce with acks = -1,  are there 
any known series of events (other than disk failures on all brokers) that would 
cause the loss of messages that a producer has received an ack for?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 22, 2014, at 8:17 PM, Jun Rao <> wrote:
> They key point is that we have to keep all replicas consistent with each
> other such that no matter which replica a consumer reads from, it always
> reads the same data on a given offset.  The following is an example.
> Suppose we have 3 brokers A, B and C. Let's assume A is the leader and at
> some point, we have the following offsets and messages in each replica.
> offset   A   B   C
> 1        m1  m1  m1
> 2        m2
> Let's assume that message m1 is committed and message m2 is not. At exactly
> this moment, replica A dies. After a new leader is elected, say B,  new
> messages can be committed with just replica B and C. Some point later if we
> commit two more messages m3 and m4, we will have the following.
> offset   A   B   C
> 1        m1  m1  m1
> 2        m2  m3  m3
> 3            m4  m4
> Now A comes back. For consistency, it's important for A's log to be
> identical to B and C. So, we have to remove m2 from A's log and add m3 and
> m4. As you can see, whether you want to republish m2 or not, m2 cannot stay
> in its current offset, since in other replicas, that offset is already
> taken by other messages. Therefore, a truncation of replica A's log is
> needed to keep the replicas consistent. Currently, we don republish
> messages like m2 since (1) it's not necessary since it's never considered
> committed; (2) it will make our protocol more complicated.
> Thanks,
> Jun
>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 3:40 PM, scott@heroku <> wrote:
>> Thanks Jun
>> Can you explain a little more about what an uncommitted message means?
>> The messages are in the log so presumably? they have been acked at least
>> by the the local broker.
>> I guess I am hoping for some intuition around why 'replaying' the messages
>> in question would cause bad things.
>> Thanks!
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 22, 2014, at 3:06 PM, Jun Rao <> wrote:
>>> Scott,
>>> The reason for truncation is that the broker that comes back may have
>> some
>>> un-committed messages. Those messages shouldn't be exposed to the
>> consumer
>>> and therefore need to be removed from the log. So, on broker startup, we
>>> first truncate the log to a safe point before which we know all messages
>>> are committed. This broker will then sync up with the current leader to
>> get
>>> the remaining messages.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jun
>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 9:42 AM, Scott Clasen <> wrote:
>>>> Ahh, yes that message loss case. I've wondered about that myself.
>>>> I guess I dont really understand why truncating messages is ever the
>> right
>>>> thing to do.  As kafka is an 'at least once' system. (send a message,
>> get
>>>> no ack, it still might be on the topic) consumers that care will have to
>>>> de-dupe anyhow.
>>>> To the kafka designers:  is there anything preventing implementation of
>>>> alternatives to truncation? when a broker comes back online and needs to
>>>> truncate, cant it fire up a producer and take the extra messages and
>> send
>>>> them back to the original topic or alternatively an error topic?
>>>> Would love to understand the rationale for the current design, as my
>>>> perspective is doubtfully as clear as the designers'
>>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 6:21 AM, Jiang Wu (Pricehistory) (BLOOMBERG/ 731
>>>> LEX -) <> wrote:
>>>>> kafka-1028 addressed another unclean leader election problem. It
>> prevents
>>>>> a broker not in ISR from becoming a leader. The problem we are facing
>> is
>>>>> that a broker in ISR but without complete messages may become a leader.
>>>>> It's also a kind of unclean leader election, but not the one that
>>>>> kafka-1028 addressed.
>>>>> Here I'm trying to give a proof that current kafka doesn't achieve the
>>>>> requirement (no message loss, no blocking when 1 broker down) due to
>> its
>>>>> two behaviors:
>>>>> 1. when choosing a new leader from 2 followers in ISR, the one with
>> less
>>>>> messages may be chosen as the leader
>>>>> 2. even when replica.lag.max.messages=0, a follower can stay in ISR
>> when
>>>>> it has less messages than the leader.
>>>>> We consider a cluster with 3 brokers and a topic with 3 replicas. We
>>>>> analyze different cases according to the value of request.required.acks
>>>>> (acks for short). For each case and it subcases, we find situations
>> that
>>>>> either message loss or service blocking happens. We assume that at the
>>>>> beginning, all 3 replicas, leader A, followers B and C, are in sync,
>>>> i.e.,
>>>>> they have the same messages and are all in ISR.
>>>>> 1. acks=0, 1, 3. Obviously these settings do not satisfy the
>> requirement.
>>>>> 2. acks=2. Producer sends a message m. It's acknowledged by A and B. At
>>>>> this time, although C hasn't received m, it's still in ISR. If A is
>>>> killed,
>>>>> C can be elected as the new leader, and consumers will miss m.
>>>>> 3. acks=-1. Suppose replica.lag.max.messages=M. There are two
>> sub-cases:
>>>>> 3.1 M>0. Suppose C be killed. C will be out of ISR after
>>>>> Then the producer publishes M messages to A
>> and
>>>>> B. C restarts. C will join in ISR since it is M messages behind A and
>> B.
>>>>> Before C replicates all messages, A is killed, and C becomes leader,
>> then
>>>>> message loss happens.
>>>>> 3.2 M=0. In this case, when the producer publishes at a high speed, B
>> and
>>>>> C will fail out of ISR, only A keeps receiving messages. Then A is
>>>> killed.
>>>>> Either message loss or service blocking will happen, depending on
>> whether
>>>>> unclean leader election is enabled.
>>>>> From: At: Jul 21 2014 22:28:18
>>>>> Subject: Re: how to ensure strong consistency with reasonable
>>>> availability
>>>>> You will probably need 0.8.2  which gives
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 6:37 PM, Jiang Wu (Pricehistory) (BLOOMBERG/
>> 731
>>>>> LEX -) <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>> With a cluster of 3 brokers and a topic of 3 replicas, we want to
>>>> achieve
>>>>>> the following two properties:
>>>>>> 1. when only one broker is down, there's no message loss, and
>>>>>> procuders/consumers are not blocked.
>>>>>> 2. in other more serious problems, for example, one broker is
>> restarted
>>>>>> twice in a short period or two brokers are down at the same time,
>>>>>> producers/consumers can be blocked, but no message loss is allowed.
>>>>>> We haven't found any producer/broker paramter combinations that
>> achieve
>>>>>> this. If you know or think some configurations will work, please post
>>>>>> details. We have a test bed to verify any given configurations.
>>>>>> In addition, I'm wondering if it's necessary to open a jira to require
>>>>> the
>>>>>> above feature?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Jiang

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