The doc is not up to date. What you are seeing in ZK is what is expected.

The broker information about the partition is found in:

The node data will tell you what ID is the current leader, as well as the
ISR list.


On 7/14/14, 12:11 PM, "François Langelier" <> wrote:

>I was wondering how the offset tracking was written in zookeeper for kafka
>In the doc, it's written :
>>  Consumers track the maximum offset they have consumed in each
>> This value is stored in a ZooKeeper directory
>> /consumers/[group_id]/offsets/[topic]/[*broker_id-partition_id*] -->
>>offset_counter_value ((persistent node)
>But when I look in zookeeper, I get
>/consumers/[group_id]/offsets/[topic]/[*partition_id*] -->
>offset_counter_value ((persistent nod
>Am I doing something wrong or the doc is simply not up-to-date and that
>for kafka 0.7 ?
>If so, where is the tracking of the brokers-partition?
>François Langelier
>Étudiant en génie Logiciel - École de Technologie Supérieure
>Capitaine Club Capra <>
>VP-Communication - CS Games <> 2014
>Jeux de Génie <> 2011 à 2014
>Argentier Fraternité du Piranha <>
>Comité Organisateur Olympiades ÉTS 2012
>Compétition Québécoise d'Ingénierie 2012 - Compétition Senior

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