Thanks for all your pieces of advice!

I am working on my script to improve it.

I am trying to find a way to select the best partition to relocate it to
the newly added broker (taking in account the number of partition leaded by
the replica brokers).

I really want to avoid swaps to rebalance the leadership at the end of my
script which will trigger replica moves.

Just a quick question about a partition move:
Supposed that I have the following the partitionnement plan:


and I submit this Json file to move partitions

"partitions":[{"topic":"foo1","partition":0,"replicas":[1,3,2]} }

Is Kafka gonna switch replicas between broker 2 and 3?


On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Clark Haskins <> wrote:

> I have written such a script. It balances the cluster by the data size on
> disk. It is written using lots of internal tools which is why its not
> open-sourced. I plan to re-write it without the internal tooling.
> In terms of leader balancing, when using the partition-reassignemnt
> script, whichever broker is specified first within the list of brokers
> will be the leader.
> -Clark
> Clark Elliott Haskins III
> LinkedIn DDS Site Reliability Engineer
> Kafka, Zookeeper, Samza SRE
> Mobile: 505.385.1484
> BlueJeans:
> There is no place like
> On 7/10/14, 6:07 PM, "Florian Dambrine" <> wrote:
> >Thanks for your answer,
> >
> >Indeed, I have already worked on this kind of script. I ended up with 800
> >lines of groovy script that rebalance partitions across the cluster and
> >minimizing the number of partition moves.  I also worked on the partition
> >leadership balancing.
> >
> >I still have to work on my script because I end up with some unbalanced
> >leaders. The number of partition leaded by one node is on average 17 but I
> >have one node that ends with 12 leads and an other with 21.
> >I am gonna introduce swaps to re equilibrate the leadership.
> >
> >Have you ever worked on this kind of script? I could not find any
> >open-source code on GitHub...
> >
> >Do you have any suggestions?
> >
> >Just in case if you want to have a look I have published my code on
> >GitHub (
> >
> >rtitionRebalancer.groovy
> >)
> >
> >Thanks

*Florian Dambrine*  |  Intern, Big Data
*GumGum* <>  |  *Ads that stick*
209-797-3994  |

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