While testing kafka producer performance, I found 2 testing scripts.

1) performance testing script in kafka distribution

bin/kafka-producer-perf-test.sh --broker-list localhost:9092 --messages
10000000 --topic test --threads 10 --message-size 100 --batch-size 10000
--compression-codec 1

2) performance testing script mentioned in


org.apache.kafka.clients.tools.ProducerPerformance test6 50000000 100
-1 acks=1 bootstrap.servers=esv4-hcl198.grid.linkedin.com:9092
buffer.memory=67108864 batch.size=8196

based on org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Producer.

On my local testing environment,

For 1), the loading is ~15M/s and 150,000 msgs/s for mesage size = 100, no
matter how I adjust batch size and number of loading threads.
For 2), it can load up to 90M/s and 1,000,000 records/s.

I am wondering what makes these 2 implementations perform so differently?

Chen Song

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