Hi, I'm trying to stream large message with Kafka into Spark.  Generally
this has been working nicely, but I found one message (5.1MB in size) which
is clogging my pipeline up.  I have these settings in server.properties:

I'm not getting any obvious errors in the logs and I can retrieve the large
message with this command:
kafka-console-consumer.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --from-beginning
--topic mytopic --fetch-size=10485760

I noticed recently after digging into this problem that the kafkaServer.out
log is complaining that the fetch.message.max.bytes parameter is not valid:
[2014-06-25 11:33:36,547] WARN Property fetch.message.max.bytes is not
valid (kafka.utils.VerifiableProperties)
[2014-06-25 11:33:36,547] WARN Property fetch.size is not valid
That seems like the most critical parameter for my needs.  It is apparently
not recognizing that it is a parameter despite it being listed on the
configuration website (https://kafka.apache.org/08/configuration.html).
 I'm using  Any ideas?

many thanks for reading this!

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