I have used 50MB message size and it is not a great idea. First of all you need to make sure you have these settings in sync: message.max.bytes replica.fetch.max.bytes fetch.message.max.bytes
I had not set the replica fetch setting and didn't realize one of my partitions was not replicating after a large message was produced. I also ran into heap issues with having to fetch such a large message, lots of unnecessary garbage collection. I suggest breaking down your message into smaller chunks. In my case, I decided to break an XML input stream (which had a root element wrapping a ridiculously large number of children) into smaller messages, having to parse the large xml root document and re-wrap each child element with a shallow clone of its parents as I iterated the stream. -Luke ________________________________________ From: Denny Lee <denny.g....@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:35 AM To: users@kafka.apache.org Subject: Experiences with larger message sizes By any chance has anyone worked with using Kafka with message sizes that are approximately 50MB in size? Based on from some of the previous threads there are probably some concerns on memory pressure due to the compression on the broker and decompression on the consumer and a best practices on ensuring batch size (to ultimately not have the compressed message exceed message size limit). Any other best practices or thoughts concerning this scenario? Thanks! Denny