Hi I was following the instructions for Kafka mirroring and had two suggestions for improving the documentation at https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=27846330: 1. Move "Note that the --zkconnect argument should point to the source cluster's ZooKeeper...” above the console output section, I missed this last line on the page and spent some time scratching my head when I was connecting to the wrong zookeeper. 2. The output from ConsumerOffsetChecker has changed since May 2012 when this part was written. The new format is:
Group Topic Pid Offset logSize Lag Owner test-consumer-group-dc1 log-batch 0 5 5 0 none test-consumer-group-dc1 log-batch 1 3 3 0 none test-consumer-group-dc1 log-batch 2 6 9 3 none I’m happy to update the docs if it’s not too tricky to give me access to it. Thanks, Daniel.