Hi, This is with and I ran the command line console consumer. I have one broker, one producer and several consumers. I have one topic, many partitions m, many consumers n, m=n , one consumer group defined for all the consumers
>From using Kafka Monitor, I see that each partition is assigned to one consumer now. However, it seems that there is no parallelism in data consumption. What I see happening is that one consumer gets messages from time t0 to t1 from partition P1. Then another consumer gets messages from t1 to t2 from partition P2 and so on. *Why is there no parallel consumption happening ?* It looks to me that the producer's data goes into P1 from t0 to t1 and then from t1 to t2 into P2. I thought that if I dont specify a partitioning key, the producer's data will get partitioned randomly. It's just that the randomness seems to be "delayed". Why is this so ? I tried setting topic.metadata.refresh.interval.ms=100 in the producer.properties. That did not seem to change this strange partitioning behavior. Please help. Thanks