Could you elaborate on the use case of the stream ID?



On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 2:13 AM, Bogdan Dimitriu (bdimitri) <> wrote:

> Hello folks,
> I’m using Kafka 0.8.0 with the high level consumer and I have a situation
> where I need to obtain the ID for each of the KafkaStreams that I create.
> The KafkaStream class has a method called “clientId()” that I expected
> would give me just that, but unfortunately it returns the name of the
> consumer group.
> So to make it clear, what I want to obtain is the string that looks like
> this: myconsumergroup_myhost-1402045464004-2dc0cbf2-0.
> Is there any way I could get that value for each of the streams? I’ve
> looked around the source code but I can’t see any way to do this.
> Many thanks,
> Bogdan

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