Hello everyone, We are adding Kafka 0.8.x monitoring support to SPM <http://sematext.com/spm/> here at Sematex and I have one question about JMX Kafka beans:
In Jconsole for my local setup I see: "kafka.producer:type=ProducerRequestMetrics,name=- host_localhost-port_9092-ProducerRequestRateAndTimeMs" Look at '-' before host -- something is clearly missing there, right? In Kafka code I see: class ProducerRequestMetrics(metricId: ClientIdAndBroker) extends KafkaMetricsGroup { val requestTimer = new KafkaTimer(newTimer(metricId + "-ProducerRequestRateAndTimeMs", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) val requestSizeHist = newHistogram(metricId + "-ProducerRequestSize") } For some reason metricId is EMPTY in my case, I don't know, maybe it is common behavior, can I be sure it will not change with time? Maybe there must be some value I don't see locally? Thx and best regards from Sematext.