
I have a 3-node cluster that has had a couple issues lately.  One thing I'm
trying to sort out is why the topic-partitions are all owned by a single
leader (when i list topics, the leader is assigned to the current
controller node, irrespective the preferred replica).

I have tried to use the preferred replica election tool per:

But I don't see any change taking place.

Only thing I see in the logs on this machine is:

[2014-05-14 11:37:22,146]  69818066
INFO  kafka.utils.ZkUtils$  - conflict in /controller data: {
"brokerid":1390348134, "timestamp":"1400026164986", "version":1 } stored
data: { "brokerid":1390348134, "timestamp":"1400026164512", "version":1 }
[2014-05-14 11:37:22,147]  69818067
INFO  kafka.utils.ZkUtils$  - I wrote this conflicted ephemeral node [{
"brokerid":1390348134, "timestamp":"1400026164986", "version":1 }] at
/controller a while back in a different session, hence I will backoff for
this node to be deleted by Zookeeper and retry

Kafka version is 0.8.0.

Any suggestions on how to get this cluster to properly rebalance?


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