Hello, I have a 3-node cluster that has had a couple issues lately. One thing I'm trying to sort out is why the topic-partitions are all owned by a single leader (when i list topics, the leader is assigned to the current controller node, irrespective the preferred replica).
I have tried to use the preferred replica election tool per: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Replication+tools#Replicationtools-2.PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionTool But I don't see any change taking place. Only thing I see in the logs on this machine is: [2014-05-14 11:37:22,146] 69818066 [ZkClient-EventThread-21-my.server1:2181,my.server2:2181,my.server3:2181] INFO kafka.utils.ZkUtils$ - conflict in /controller data: { "brokerid":1390348134, "timestamp":"1400026164986", "version":1 } stored data: { "brokerid":1390348134, "timestamp":"1400026164512", "version":1 } [2014-05-14 11:37:22,147] 69818067 [ZkClient-EventThread-21-my.server1:2181,my.server2:2181,my.server3:2181] INFO kafka.utils.ZkUtils$ - I wrote this conflicted ephemeral node [{ "brokerid":1390348134, "timestamp":"1400026164986", "version":1 }] at /controller a while back in a different session, hence I will backoff for this node to be deleted by Zookeeper and retry Kafka version is 0.8.0. Any suggestions on how to get this cluster to properly rebalance? Cheers, Jon