It looks like the log.cleanup.policy config option was changed from "dedupe" to 


On May 13, 2014, at 1:08 PM, Jay Kreps <> wrote:

> Hi,
> The compaction is done to clean-up space. It isn't done immediately only
> periodically.
> I suspect the reason you see no compaction is that we never compact the
> active segment of the log (the most recent file) as that is still being
> written to. The compaction would not happen until a new segment file was
> rolled. If you want to see this happen I recommend changing the file
> segment size configuration to something small (5mb) and produce enough
> messages to roll a new segment file. You should then see logging about
> compaction in logs/log-cleaner.log.
> -Jay
> On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 11:52 AM, C 4.5 <> wrote:
>> I understand Kafka supports keyed messages (I am using and it is
>> possible to de-duplicate messages based on the message key.
>> (The log compaction section of the on-line documentation described how that
>> works.)
>> I am using a code example that come with Kafka (namely
>> KafkaConsumerProducerDemo) and run it through Kafka local mode. I write a
>> set of messages with the same String key and then have a consumer that
>> consumes data.
>> The consumer consumes messages *only* after the producer has produced all
>> its messages.
>> I would expect the consumer to retrieve only the latest message (as all
>> messages have the same key) but it retrieves all messages the producer has
>> emitted.
>> I have also turned on these properties in the Kafka server:
>> log.cleaner.enable=true
>> log.cleanup.policy=dedupe
>> - is de-duplication of messages guaranteed to take effect only after
>> compaction?
>> - I have tried to "force" compaction by setting ""
>> and "log.cleaner.min.cleanabke.ratio" to very low values, but I still
>> observe the same behavior.
>> Any ideas or pointers?
>> Thanks.

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